Courage or Comfort?

Once there was a beautiful bird, more beautiful than any other. It was powerful and free, and possessed great courage. This bird was fearless, going wherever it wanted. It also was very proud of its spectacular plumage of vibrant colors.

One day the bird decided to pluck its own feathers, one by one, to make a beautiful nest in which it could rest with comfort and security. Now the bird can no longer fly.

A clear lesson to the self-made and self-sufficient thinker; trusting in self is the weakest of all defenses! True courage and comfort evolves from a declaration of dependence and never from declaring independence from your Creator!

Oh, the joy of the Christian Life! Powerful, free and courageous. Powerful because His Presence; Free because of His Pardon; and Courageous because of His Power.

Have you claimed and signed your declaration of Dependence through suffering, trials and painful situations? There is no situation that is worth plucking and pulling away from your Strength! Trust in His Presence and stand firm with His Pardon and you too advance because of His Power.

God loves you and His church loves you.

Proverbs 3:5-9 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase;

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